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Energy Transmission December 2018

by | Jan 13, 2019 | Energy Transmissions

The cleansing of one’s mind, body and soul can be easily achieved if the correct steps are taken. With the proper spiritual counselor to guide you on your journey, you have nothing but positive possibilities to look forward to in your future.

As a spiritual counselor and a channel for healing energy, Julia is dedicated to helping people overcome emotional blockages, spiritual issues, and physical conditions, as well as encouraging growth and wellness within themselves. This approach allows healing transformations to take place through hands-on healing and holistic counseling.

In order to reach people all over the world, Julia offers remote energy healing. This process will benefit you no matter where you might be located as we can help you right over the telephone. As you learn about yourself through this type of healing, doors can open to a new and exciting world. Love yourself enough to want to heal, nurture, and nourish your entire being: the mind, body, and spirit.

On your journey to wellness, there may be a fight going on inside of you. Your spirit, masculine or mind is telling you how great you are, and at times that you are limited and unworthy. Your feminine or intuitive feeling side is trying to keep you safe and senses things the spirit doesn’t. The problem comes when they don’t work together in harmony and balance as they are supposed to.

Your beliefs are imprints caused by conditioning that happened in the past. The challenge is to realize the imprints that are running your life through your subconscious mind. You may not even be aware that these imprints have a hold on your decisions and feelings. Imprints are usual past events that were traumatic, and unresolved within us. And, we all have them.

Only by truly accepting and feeling denied emotions can these imprints be healed so their effects no longer control us, but it isn’t easy. Our usual tactic is to suppress them because we don’t want to feel the pain of them. Accept these feelings without stuffing them, find some love in them and Divine Light will come in behind your feelings to heal them.

It’s through the healing power of forgiveness that we release these imprints so we don’t have to re-live them over and over again, whenever something new triggers them. You ARE in control of your body and your life because YOU control your thinking. If forgiveness is true and unconditional, amazing healing occurs in all areas of the body.

Support for Julia Stubbe’s Healing Journey

I just wanted to express my gratitude for the love and support the community has blessed me with. I have mostly held personal challenges close to the chest, handling on my own. Guided to allow others to step up and help me is a huge lesson for me. The outreach of kind words and wishes, donations and others support has humbled me as well as touched my heart in ways that are not easily expressed. Will be posting some of my milestones soon. Please continue to share this Go Fund Me, it is greatly appreciated.

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